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This service has been discontinued.

There are many excellent software developed abroad and distributed all over the world. Some of which, however, are not distributed in Japan simply because there is no distributor for them in Japan.
Kagaku Gijutsu-Sha Software Importing Service is available for buying such software easily and rapidly. All you have to do is informing us() of the software you are looking for (software name, manufacturer's name, its web site address, price etc.). We Kagaku Gijutsu-Sha will work for you as follows. Unless you finally put your order for the software on us, this service is free at all.

  1. We locate the manufacturer based on your information.

  2. We look for the representative or its official distributor in Japan. If there is such distributor, we tell you the contact of the distributor. In this case, we no longer touch the matter.

  3. If there is no distributor in Japan, we ask the manufacturer whether we can buy the software directly from them and the price.

  4. If we can buy the software directly from the manufacturer, we quote for you in Japanese Yen.

  5. When we receive your purchase order for the software, we buy, import, and deliver it to you with our invoice.

  Terms and Conditions

  • We will work simply as an importer and have no responsibility for the contents of software at all. We do not inherit manufacturer's obligation of supporting customer. Therefore, the customer should register directly to manufacturer to get their support and/or upgrade service directly from them.

  • The quotation consists of the price of the software, in currency of origin, multiplied by an appropriate exchange rate, shipping charge and Kagaku Gijutsu-Sha's handling charge.
  Contact Kagaku Gijutsu-Sha
2-10-8 Yanagibashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0052 Japan
TEL +81-3-5809-1132 FAX +81-3-5809-1138

[HOME English]
Kagaku Gijutsu-Sha
2-10-8 Yanagibashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0052 Japan
TEL +81-3-5809-1132 FAX +81-3-5809-1138